Scaredy Cat

My cat is terrified of thunderstorms. She isn’t particularly afraid of anything else. Actually, she’s usually kind of an asshole who attacks our friends and family at random, although she’s mellowed out a little in her old age. But she spent half the day on the couch with me today, cuddling and keeping me company while I try to recover from my bad cold, and looking for comfort from me once the storms started. We had one bad thunderstorm this afternoon, complete with hail, and my sometimes vicious little monster of a cat lay in my lap crying while I petted her until it was over. Even though she can be a jerk, I still love her, and days like today remind me of why.

Like A Dragon

I’ve been doing some web design for the first time in years. It’s been a lot of fun, although I’ve just been messing around in Photoshop so far without actually coding. I’m kind of dreading that part.

In the meantime, my cat spent the day sleeping in her pile of toys like a dragon guarding her horde.

Cute Kitty

My son is sick with a bad cold, which I’m getting, and I’m exhausted. But I also don’t want to give up on my “post every day” plan on day two, so here’s a cute picture of my old lady kitty, Usagi, with the hope that I’ll have more energy tomorrow.