Scent of the Day

I didn’t feel like I had anything to write about today. I’ve been completely exhausted this week and didn’t really have any energy to come up with post ideas. But then I realized that we were running out of hand soap, and went over to Bath and Body Works website, and that inspired me.

I love their stuff, but some of these scent names are getting ridiculous. Some of them are fine, and are just a description of the scent, like “Fresh Cut Lilacs” or “Kitchen Lemon”. To the point, if not a little bland. But then there’s “Unicorn Milkshake”. I mean, really? What is that supposed to smell like? I’ll know soon enough, because I’m totally buying that one. Really, how can I not? But I have so many questions. Is it a milkshake for unicorns? Or made by them? Or, on a more dark path, made of unicorns? Hopefully not that last one.

Then there was a soap called “Daydream”. That was it. I looked up the description on that one, just because I could glean nothing from the name, and it’s described as “an optimistic blend of fresh raspberries, sparkling pear & pink lily petals”, which, admittedly sounds awesome. Also, I did not know that soaps could be optimistic. Maybe that’s where I’ve been going wrong in life, by not having an optimistic enough soap.

Off My Lawn

I’m old. This is a hard thing to accept, but there we are. I’m old, and out of touch with technology, something I swore I’d never be.

I have an Instagram account. I’ve had one for a whole week, which is like a century in internet time, and I haven’t posted a damn thing. It’s not that I can’t figure out the interface. That much I have a handle on. Hit button, take picture, picture goes to internet. It’s just… what are you supposed to put up pictures of? Yourself? Your dog? Places you’ve been? I keep wanting to put… something up there. But then I hesitate, because I don’t really understand what you’re supposed to do, so I keep second guessing myself and thinking that I must be doing it wrong somehow.

Sigh. It’s like I said. I’m old.

Sleepy Shiba

Today has been kind of boring and tedious, for some weird reason. I’m pretty much just exhausted, everyone in the house is some level of sick, and I could totally go to bed right now, even though it’s not even dark out yet.

So, since it’s such a lazy day, for Shiba Sunday I decided on a picture of Mari sleeping. I took this one this afternoon while my girl was napping. She was not impressed with my picture taking.

Sleeping Shiba Inu

Starting from Scratch

Weekends go by too fast. It’s Saturday night already, but to me it still feels like it should be 9 in the morning. I have no idea where the day went.

On the upside, I did make it to the library today. It was my son’s first library trip, and even though he’s a little too young to really appreciate the books, he liked the play area, and seemed to enjoy being there. I loved going to the library when I was a kid, so I hope my son will love it too.

And I now have a bunch of books about CSS and WordPress, since the last real coding for the internet I did was over a decade ago, and was in plain old HTML. I can’t for the life of me sort out the WordPress CSS tags. Time to do some research.

Scaredy Cat

My cat is terrified of thunderstorms. She isn’t particularly afraid of anything else. Actually, she’s usually kind of an asshole who attacks our friends and family at random, although she’s mellowed out a little in her old age. But she spent half the day on the couch with me today, cuddling and keeping me company while I try to recover from my bad cold, and looking for comfort from me once the storms started. We had one bad thunderstorm this afternoon, complete with hail, and my sometimes vicious little monster of a cat lay in my lap crying while I petted her until it was over. Even though she can be a jerk, I still love her, and days like today remind me of why.

Sick and Tired

I don’t have much to say today. I’m running on fumes right now, and even the cup of coffee I just drank at 8:30 at night against my better judgement isn’t going to keep me awake. It also just took me a full 30 seconds to remember how to spell “against”, so that should be a pretty clear indication of my mental state. I want to be more fun than that, but I’m tired, and still kind of sick with a cold, and just ready to rest for a while. I have a day off tomorrow, so hopefully that will help me recharge. I’m going to try to sort out how to make a WordPress theme and probably do some costume designing work for Carmilla. Here’s hoping that will give me some more interesting stuff to write about.

One Week Down

I’ve been doing this now for a solid week. I’m nearly positive I’m the only one seeing this, and while that both takes some pressure off making anything I’m saying interesting and makes me feel like I’m just talking into the void for no reason, I’m still pretty happy that I’m keeping this up. I realize that this pace is unsustainable in the long run, but if I can hold it for forty days, it might help me make this a more regular thing in the future.

Long Slow Day

It’s kind of astounding to me how hard this is to maintain. It’s probably just because today I’ve come down with the third, maybe fourth, random illness in as many weeks. Apparently this is totally normal when your kid starts daycare, but it still sucks that my son has caught everything and brought it home to share.

On the plus side, I got to watch Bloodlust again for the first time in years. I now have a bunch of good-ish reference pictures of Carmilla, which is exciting. I also got to enjoy the amazing late nineties style DVD menu. I honestly forgot how quickly stuff like that starts to feel dated, or rather, how fast 20 years can go by. I’ll sit down tomorrow and actually start planning how to make a costume.

But for now, more lying on the couch and blowing my nose. Again.

Introducing Shiba Sunday

I have an adorable dog. She can be an incredible jerk at times, but her cuteness always keeps anyone from being annoyed with her for too long. So I thought, in honor of my adorable dog, I’d start a new feature here called Shiba Sunday. I get more stuff to post about on a regular basis, you get cute Shiba Inu pictures, and we all get to enjoy some quality alliteration.

For my first entry, here’s a before and after picture of my girl Mari. The top picture is her when we first brought her home, and the bottom is her now at seven, rolling around on the sofa like a fool.

My shiba inu, Mari, back when she was a puppy and now.