Ice Cream Time

I won’t go into all the reasons why today was… not great, but it was not. All those fun indoor activities I had planned did not work out, and instead of cheering myself up today, I’ve ended up in a worse mood than ever.

So, today became a good day for ice cream. I’ll just pretend that this sundae in a cup was not actually my dinner.

Ice cream

Nothing Doing

This whole week has been insanely boring. I’ve been working from home, but that is incredibly difficult when all of my home distractions are available, and I’d rather be doing any one of those things than working. The incessant worry isn’t helping with my focus either.

But, I’m going to try to cheer up. I don’t have to work tommorow, so I’ve got some fun indoor activities planned for myself. Hopefully that will take my mind off of things.

Confusing the Pets

My cat and dog don’t really understand why I’m home. The dog doesn’t really care. She’s just spent most of the day ignoring me and sleeping, same as she usually does. The cat, on the other hand, has been extremely interested in what I’m doing in the house. She’s spent most of the day following me around, then trying to strategically lay on me when she has the opportunity. I think she’s going to be even more confused tomorrow.

Sleepy kitty
Tired from a long day of having to follow me around

The Sun Through the Clouds

It was overcast and gloomy when I took my dog outside in the yard this evening. She needed to do her business and I needed to get out of the house for ten minutes and stop watching the god damned news about how the universe is slowly burning down around us all. While I was standing outside, urging her to pee and trying to keep calm, the clouds parted for half a second. The sky stayed dark, but the ground around me and everything I could see in front of me lit up.
I think it was what I needed to see when I was panicking and afraid. That even when the storm is here, and the sky is dark, there is still light. There is still good. It will be okay.

End Times

Why not go get washed up for the orgy?

-End-Verse Castiel

So, apparently the world is going to hell in a hand basket. I’m trying not to freak out, because really, we’ll all get through this, and for my family specifically, it’s only going to suck for a little while. No one in my immediate household is in a high risk group, and the family I have who are in high risk groups are self isolating, so we should all be okay.

But just because the rational part of my mind knows we’ll get through personally doesn’t mean I’m not worried. I’m worried for everyone less fortunate then I am, and worried for what the world will look like after.

But I’m trying to stay positive. I’ve been rewatching old episodes of Supernatural, because some those cheer me up. I’m going to try to just be happy here and take this one day at a time.

Pi Day Sucks

So, technically Pi Day (3/14) is the anniversary of when I started my blog. I’ve been hacked since then, so I had to delete all the old posts, but I’m pretty sure that’s when I began a bunch of years ago. So I was going to do something cool, and bake a pie from my new Supernatural cookbook as a way to celebrate my writing anniversary and SPN’s last season. I was super excited about it.

Then the universe saw what I was planning and said:

“No, you know what? Fuck you, actually.”

So, instead of spending a fun day baking, I have spent a miserable day on my sofa suffering from food poisoning. And with a nationwide run on toilet paper, this is the worst possible timing for random stomach issues.

I’m certain the universe hates me.

Seriously, a small blue trash can.
I’d like to dedicate this post to my office trash can. Once an ordinary waste bin, it really stepped up today as an emergency bucket. And, dear God, yes, this is how my day has been going.

Organized Chaos

About a year ago, right before we brought our son home, I decided to reorganize the entire house. My main goal was to clear out some space so we’d have room to keep stuff for our kid, but I also had started to turn into a bit of a pack rat and wanted to just clear out stuff I didn’t need anymore.

So I did the whole KonMari process. It actually worked pretty well, at least for me, and I ended up getting the house in pretty good shape before we got our son.

I’ve fallen off the wagon a little in keeping up the organization, but I still manage to find time for all the KonMari folding. And for some reason, I am super proud of my makeup drawer organization.

Makeup Drawer


I don’t know why life is so damn exhausting right now, but it is. Most of my energy for anything creative has drained out of me, and I feel like I barely have the energy to get through the day. I even ended up working from home today, so I didn’t have to put on nice clothes or do my makeup or anything, and I’m still tired. I want to go sit in my office and do something creative, but instead I’m going to go to bed, and hope that 10 hours of sleeping might help.