Dear god, I’m tired. The last few weeks have blended together into one big slog of days and I’m starting to just feel tired all the time. My husband and I had to check with each other to confirm that it was, in fact, Tuesday, and not some other random weekday. I actually made some costuming progress today on Carmilla, in the approximately ten minutes of free time I had today, and would really like to write about that. But I can barely keep my eyes open, so it’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
Sweet Kitty
My cat has been especially affectionate over the last week. I’m not sure if she realizes that things are weird, thinks I must be really sick because I’ve been home so much lately, or is tuned into the fact that I’m kind of stressed. Either way, my normally mean and standoffish kitty has been laying in my lap on the couch every night for the last week. In fact, she’s laying on my lap right now as I type this.

Social Distance Shiba
We took a family walk yesterday, just to get out of the house for a few minutes. We stayed apart from any other people, but it was nice just getting out in the world for a little while. Mari was very interested in all the signs saying everything was closed.

In Bloom
I found a little piece of beauty today. Our orchid is starting to bloom, and seeing it start to flower made me feel a little better about the world. Whatever else is going on, that little plant has kept on going.

And I missed a day. I knew it was bound to happen, especially once the apocalypse started. That doesn’t particularly make me feel better about it, but here we are. I was kind of bummed out about it earlier, but at this point in the day, I’ve come to terms with it. The point, after all, is to write more frequently, which I’m still doing. And post Easter, the once a day post thing isn’t going to keep happening anyway. It’s way too much. So, really, it’s fine. If there was a goal I was going to miss, that was the most arbitrary one I could get.
Nothing’s On
I’ve been watching way too much television lately. It’s not like there’s much else to do while trying to keep my toddler entertained and simultaneously avoid watching the news. So, instead of listening to people telling me exactly in what ways we are completely doomed, I’ve been compensating by watching Disney shows. I started on “The Owl House” today, and really like it so far. I’m only three episodes in, as that was all I could manage before my son got restless and we switched over to “Tayo, The Little Bus”, which is much more his speed. But I like “The Owl House” so far. Honestly, just hearing Alex Hirsch channeling Bill again when he voices King makes me extremely happy.
Not What He Seems
I ended up rewatching a bunch of Gravity Falls episodes the other day. They were on, I love the show, and my son liked the music enough that he tolerated it without pitching a fit. Every time I watch that show, it makes me happy. And Mabel telling Stan “I trust you” as she floats in front of the portal still brings tears to my eyes.
Also, I kind of want to cosplay as Giffany now. I’m definitely adding that one to the list.
Today has dragged on in the kind of way all the days have been dragging on recently. I’ve been equal parts watching my son and working from home, and now I’m starting on a bad headache. Hopefully that will pass.
I spent a little time today writing, just for the sake of my own sanity. I went back to a short story I had started on a while ago and left unfinished. I still like it, but I think it may be getting into “far longer than a short story” territory. Not that that’s a bad thing. It’ll just take me longer to actually finish it. Even if it doesn’t go anywhere, just getting to spend some time in a make-believe world is helping me feel a little better.
Sunny Shiba
For Shiba Sunday, I present a picture of Mari chasing the last of the afternoon sunbeams. She had to go upstairs just to get this one. The cat showed some interest in taking it over, but Mari was not having it.

Never Too Late For Pi(e)
I planned to do this post last weekend when it was actually Pi Day. But courtesy of some really nasty food poisoning last weekend, I didn’t even want to think about pie, let alone make one. Since we’re stuck in some kind and of time loop where we’re not supposed to go outside, I figure my baking adventure can just stave off boredom instead.
I wanted to bake a pie, and figured this would be a great opportunity to try out the official Supernatural cookbook I have. I decided on the Scarecrow Apple Pie, mostly because I’ve made apple pie before, vaguely know how it’s supposed to turn out, and figured that might help me not screw it up.

I won’t go through every step of the recipe, but I’ll hit the highlights. It involved cutting up a bunch of apples, sauteing them with some seasoning, then filling a pie crust with them.

The only time I had to improvise was when I realized that the recipe called for lemon juice, and I had none. I got creative and used what I had.

I made the pie crust too, since I hate myself, and used the recipe from the Supernatural cookbook. Admittedly, I have made (and messed up) a lot of pie crusts, and this one turned out very well.

I had some help while I was baking too. Mari had no idea what I was doing, but she wanted to be involved.

I also got a little fancy with the crust. At first I was just going to do a lattice, which is complex enough, but I had extra dough, and couldn’t resist a chance to add an anti-possession symbol to the crust.

And there we have it. A pie that Dean Winchester would (hopefully) be proud of. At some point, I’ll do some more recipes from this cookbook, and see how those go.